Dear Friends,
This is the first of a serie of posts, where I will show you, in detail my last project: "Crossed Lines", where I worked together with Samuel Gfeller - an amazing sound artist o took care of all the electronics in this project.
In this first post / video we present you our project and we give you already some sounds an images of what's coming later. From now on, weekly I will post here one by one, all the pieces and improvisations we did on the premiere of this project. So, in a few weeks we will have a "Playlist" with all the concert. Feel free to comment, ask any question and let us know what you most liked.
The main idea with "Crossed Lines" is to create a whole performance, flowing between contemporary compositions and improvisations with live electronics - avoiding the cliché of clapping between pieces, or loosing you concentration each time the set up is changed.
Is our goal to give to the audience an innovative concert experience where, with diferent compositions with extremely different aesthetics and with variated improvisations, we create a concept of whole work where every sound part fit perfectly.
I hope you can have as much fun as we had building up this project!
Stay tuned for the upcoming videos, and ...
Keep going .... really LOW!!!
Stay tuned for the upcoming videos, and ...
Keep going .... really LOW!!!